The 2022 Plant Show was held during the Southern Meeting at Kidlington on Sunday 19th June 2022. Steve Clements won both 'Best in Show' and the 'Chairman’s Award' for his Epipactis entries and was awarded the Banksian Medal for 2022. First-placed winners are featured below and the complete results can be viewed as a pdf here. Thanks to Diane Clement for judging the Plant Show and to Simon Tarrant for the plant photography.

Class 4: Three pots hardy orchids, distinct varieties, any country of origin

Steve Clements

Epipactis Sabine
Epipactis Sabine
[Best in Show]

Bletilla Coritani

Bletilla Richard’s Gift
Richard’s Gift

Class 5: One pot native British orchid

Steve Clements

Dactylorhiza fuchsii
Dactylorhiza fuchsii

Class 6: One pot native European (not native to Britain) orchid

Stephen Clements

Dactylorhiza kalopisii
Dactylorhiza kalopisii

Class 7: One pot native European (not native to Britain) orchid

Stephen Clements

Diuris drummondii
Diuris drummondii

Class 8: One pot Dactylorhiza

John Haggar

Dactylorhiza kalopisii
Dactylorhiza kalopisii

Class 9: One pot Orchis, Anacamptis or Neotinea

Class 10: One pot Ophrys

Neil Evans

Ophrys apifera
Ophrys apifera

Class11: One pot Serapias


Class12: One pot Cypripedium


Class14: One pot Pleione


Class15: One pot Epipactis

Stephen Clements

Epipactis Sabine

Epipactis Lowland Legacy
Lowland Legacy [Chairman's Trophy]

Class16: One plant or pan of plants raised from seed by the grower

Peter Ward

Dactylorhiza fuchsii
Dactylorhiza fuchsii