There were only two entries for the 2022 competition. HOS members attending the Leeds meeting on the 3rd September voted for their favourite video by a secret ballot. The winner was Dave Trudgill’s video of ‘Newmill Orchid Meadow 2022’. Congratulations to Dave and thank you to both entrants and everyone who voted.
The HOS Video Competition will be held during the HOS Autumn Northern Meeting. The Tony Hughes Trophy is awarded to the best video. The trophy may be held for one year, and must then be returned. The winning video will also be shown at the following Autumn Southern Meeting.
Entries must be sent in advance to the Video Competition Organiser, either by email, or for larger files, using one of the free transfer services such as WeTransfer or Dropbox. The Video Competition Organiser will supply instructions for using WeTransfer on request. If time permits, all entries will be shown at the Autumn Northern Meeting. Judging will be by audience vote. In the event of too many entries for a one-hour session, committee members will view the material and reduce the entry to the required number.
Contact details for the Organiser and submission deadlines will be placed on this website and in the Journal in advance of the Autumn Northern Meeting. For 2023 the Video Competition Organiser will be Steve Pickersgill email: The closing date for videos to reach him is August 16th.
1: Entry is limited to current HOS members, excluding those who make videos professionally.
2: There is a single class into which each member may enter one video only.
3: Videos can be on any topic relevant to hardy orchids, wild +/or cultivated.
4: Videos entered in previous HOS competitions are not permitted.
5: Videos should have been made in the 2 years prior to the Competition.
6: Videos may last a maximum of 3 minutes.
7: Videos may include sound but do not have to do so.
8: Entries must be submitted in a format that can be read by VLC Media Player. This covers most video formats in use in the UK. See for details.
9: Videos must have a title that will be seen when projected, credits should not appear on the title page or elsewhere in the video.
10: Entrants must supply the Organiser with their name, contact details, and the title of their video.
11: Judging is based on the quality of the videos, not on the rarity of the plants shown.