The Society’s aim is to promote interest in the study of native European Orchids and those from similar temperate climates throughout the world. The varied aspects covered include field study, cultivation and propagation, photography, taxonomy and systematics, and practical conservation.
Services for members include:
The Journal of the Hardy Orchid Society, issued quarterly and distributed free of charge to all paid-up members. Members are encouraged to use the Journal to publish their own articles on any relevant topics of interest. For more click here
Three one day meetings are held annually. For more click here
Field Trips led by HOS members in the “Orchid Season”, visiting interesting orchid sites in various parts of the British Isles. For more click here
This website provides a wealth of information on the Society’s activities and on hardy orchids in general.
The Discussion Forum, which is for members only, is where advice, information and opinion can be shared. For more click here
Access to the HOS Seed Bank, maintained to encourage the propagation of hardy orchids, and to facilitate the distribution of members’ surplus seed. Occassional practical courses are held where experts share their skills in orchid propagation from seed. For more click here
Advice from the HOS Conservation Officer on conservation issues, and opportunities to be involved in “rescue” operations for severely threatened populations. For more click here
The Society is managed and developed by a Committee. The current Committee Members and their roles are as follows
President (Professor Richard Bateman)
Chairman (Celia Wright)
Co-ordinates the running of the Society.
Takes advice from within and outside HOS to direct HOS policies.
Chairs HOS meetings.
Organises and chairs committee meetings, usually three times each year.
Seeks new committee members as needed for election at AGM.
Vice-Chairman (Simon Tarrant)
Assists the Chairman, chairing meetings in his/her absence.
The post is used as preparation for the role of Chairman.
Secretary (Hilary Pickersgill)
Takes and distributes minutes at the AGM and committee meetings.
Receives and replies to Society correspondence with the assistance of the committee.
Treasurer (Christopher Snelson)
Manages the Society bank accounts using internet banking and payments by cheque.
Keeps proper records of all receipts and payments.
Sends out invoices for charged services.
Produces financial reports for committee meetings.
Produces an audited/examined annual statement of accounts for the AGM.
Applies to the RHS each Autumn for a Banksian Medal, to be awarded in the Annual Plant Show.
Membership Secretary (Moira Tarrant)
Enrols new members, ensuring they receive all appropriate membership benefits.
Receives subscriptions from members and sends out membership cards.
Manages the Membership database for use by the HOS in running the Society and meets the needs of the Data Protection Act by ensuring that members’ wishes regarding personal data are adhered to. Members’ details will never be released outside the Society.
Reminds members when their subscriptions are due.
Produces mailing labels for the Journal.
Conservation Officer (Bill Temple)
Advises landowners & conservation bodies on management of land for the benefit of orchids.
Initiates conservation projects for raising orchids from seed and produces reports, keeping and sending records as specified by conservation/governmental bodies.
Advises on orchid relocation (how and where to).
Liaises/organises conservation volunteers to raise orchids from seed and relocate orchids.
Keeps members up to date via the Journal and website.
Journal Editor (Mike Gasson)
Produces a minimum of four journals per year for distribution to members.
Receives articles from members and others, edits articles (taking advice from HOS experts as appropriate) and liaises with authors regarding content and layout.
Selects contents and lays out Journal using publishing software.
Submits and liaises with printer, checking page proofs.
Journal Distributor (Nigel Johnson)
Receives Journal print-run, packs and posts to members.
Maintains a supply of back issues and supplies them to meet requests.
Webmaster (Mike Gasson)
Maintains the HOS website, updating and rewriting as necessary.
Ensures that the domain name remains registered and pays the annual ISP bill.
Meets members expectations both through quality of content and by use of appropriate new technologies.
Publicity & Outreach Officer (Moira Tarrant)
Actively promotes the HOS through activities, venues and individuals as appropriate.
Produces and maintains a supply of publicity materials to support this.
Speaker Secretary (Celia Wright)
Arranges speakers and organizes programmes for HOS meetings.
Meetings Organisers (Simon Tarrant, Phil Smith)
Books appropriate venue hall (12+ months in advance) whenever possible, having agreed the cost and date in committee. Arranges appropriate payments.
Investigates and arranges suitable catering provision, and arranges charges to members and payment to suppliers.
Issues Booking Forms for inclusion with the Journal and posting on HOS website.
Receives and records bookings, passing payments to Treasurer.
Ensures name badges are produced for attendees and speakers.
Supervises hall set-up including sufficient tables for all activities; ensures equipment is set-up and tested before the meeting.
Ensures attendees are welcomed and receives feed-back.
There are separate organisers for the annual Plant and Photographic Shows.
Field Meetings Co-ordinator (Richard Kulczycki)
Organises an annual programme of field trips, run by the members for members.
Publicises field trips in the Journal and on the website.
Co-ordinates bookings in conjunction with field trip leaders.
Seed Bank Manager (John Haggar)
Accepts, stores safely and distributes donations of seed to HOS members.
Maintains a list of currently available seed on the HOS website.
Keeps a supply of orchid seed sowing sundries on behalf of the Society and sells these on to members at cost.
Other Roles
A number of other functions are necessary for the smooth running of the HOS.
Show Secretary - Plant Show (Spring Meeting) - Neil Hubbard.
Show Secretary - Photographic Competition (Autumn Southern Meeting) - Neil Evans.
Discussion Forum management and moderation of messages - Moira Tarrant.
Video Competition Organiser - Steve Pickersgill
HOS Accounts Examiner - David Meadows