This year there was an additional online HOS plant show representing the orchids that flower between March and July. For many years the Spring Show has favoured the growers of spring-flowering, mainly winter-green, species. This new on-line show offered an opportunity for the many members that grow orchids that flower in the summer months to exhibit photographs of their plants. The first placed entries are featured below and the full range of entries and the judge's comments can be viewed as a presentation in the Members' Area.
This year with two competitions the Banksian Medal was awarded to the entrant with most points from both events. Contratulations to Neil Hubbard as winner of the Banksian medal for 2021 and to Stephen Clements for Best in Show in this competition. Thanks are due to all exhibitors and especially to our Judge Nick Fry.
Class 5: One pot native British orchid
Neil Hubbard

Goodyera repens
Class 6: One pot native European (not native to Britain) orchid
Stephen Clements

Himantoglossum jankae
Class 7: One pot native European (not native to Britain) orchid
Stephen Clements

Pogonia ophioglossoides
Class 8: One pot Dactylorhiza
Neil Hubbard

Dactylorhiza romana
Class 9: One pot Orchis, Anacamptis or Neotinea
Neil Hubbard

Orchis simia
Class 10: One pot Ophrys
Neil Hubbard

Ophrys speculum
Class11: One pot Serapias
Neil Hubbard

Serapias cordigera
Class12: One pot Cypripedium
Stephen Clements

Cypripedium Sabine
Class14: One pot Pleione
Stephen Clements

Pleione Glacier Peak Everest
Class15: One plant or pan of plants raised from seed by the grower
Neil Hubbard

Dactylorhiza fuchsii
Class18: One pot Epipactis
Stephen Clements

Epipactis catalina Chris (Best in Show)
Class19: Any plant or group of plants cultivated by the entrant within their garden setting planted in a flower bed or tub
Barry Tattersall

Orchis purpurea